Educational Foundation
The Delaware Technical Community College Educational Foundation exists to bridge the gap between the needs and resources of the College. The non-profit, tax-exempt corporation was established in 1968 to raise funds to provide assistance to Delaware Tech students who wish to enhance their lives through education and training.
The Foundation's mission is to work with donors to ensure a quality and accessible Delaware Tech education for all. This will be achieved by strengthening community relations. The Foundation will continue to enhance and expand College programs and initiatives to meet the needs of the College community as well as its contributors. All gifts made to the Delaware Tech Educational Foundation are tax-deductible.
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Foundation Board
- Nancy J. Shevock, Chairman
- Patti A. Grimes, Vice Chairman
Executive Director, Carl M. Freeman Foundation and
Joshua M. Freeman Foundation
- Michael J. Hare
Senior Vice President for Development, Buccini/Pollin Group - Robert E. Hagerty
Former Technology Director and Managing Director,
J.P. Morgan Services, Inc. - Lolita A. Lopez
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Westside Family Healthcare - Diane F. Glenn
Mental Health Program Administrator, DE State Fire Commission
Former Victim Services Coordinator, Dover Police Department - W. Charles Paradee, III
President, Paradee Financial LLC - James B. Porter, Jr.
Retired, Chief Engineer and Vice President,
Engineering & Operations, DuPont Company - Thomas St. John
President, Phoenix Financial Network - Cindy L. Szabo, Esq.
Attorney, Ellis & Szabo, LLP - Colonel Joseph A. Cooke, Jr.
Joint Staff, Vice Chief of Staff and Commander,
261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade,
Delaware Army National Guard
- Mark T. Brainard
President, Delaware Technical Community College