Accounting to Business Administration

An opportunity to gain an associate degree from Delaware Tech and a bachelor's degree from Goldey-Beacom College.del

Your Path to a Bachelor's Degree

Delaware Tech has established agreements with four-year colleges and universities that connect Delaware Tech associate degree programs with bachelor's degree programs to create smooth transfer opportunities for you. These Connected Degree programs enable you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior.

The Connected Degree 2+2 Curriculum

Delaware Tech's associate degree program in Accounting provides students with core accounting, business, and general education courses as well as information technology and communication skills to prepare them for entry-level technical and professional careers in industry, in local, state, and federal government, and in public accounting. Additionally, students are prepared to continue their education at the baccalaureate level. Goldey-Beacom's Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree gives students the opportunity to examine the ways society, culture, and technology intersect in today's global economy. The unique composition of the degree serves to broaden students horizons and provides an ideal combination of skills and knowledge to function effectively in a wide variety of business and not-for-profit arenas. An emphasis is placed on conceptual skills, interpersonal skills, and general management skills. This degree is ideal for the student who wishes to acquire skills for the world of business and management through an exploration of society and culture. Students completing this program see the global picture and possess the skills to effectively manage and lead.

Value For You

By completing your associate degree at Delaware Tech, you'll receive excellent instruction in small classes at a campus close to home. Delaware Tech's affordable tuition can reduce the overall cost of your college education, making the completion of your bachelor's degree more manageable.

Making The Connection

Refer to the Connected Degree curriculum for the sequence of courses needed to complete this program. Call Delaware Tech and let us help you follow the path to your bachelor's degree.

Connected Degree Curriculum - Suggested Course Sequence

Accounting (Associate Degree - Delaware Technical Community College)

First Semester (fall)

Course Title Credits
ACC 101 Accounting I 4
ENG 101 Critical Thinking and Academic Writing 3
BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3
CIS 107 Introduction to Computers and Applications 3
MAT 140 Essentials of College Algebra or 4
MAT 153 College Math and Statistics 4

Second Semester (spring)

Course Title Credits
ACC 112 Accounting II 4
ENG 102 Composition and Research 3
ECO 111 Macroeconomics 3
CIS 112 Spreadsheet/Graphics Proc or 3
OAT 152 Excel Level I 3
MAT 255 Business Statistics I 3

Third Semester (fall)

Course Title Credits
ACC 211 Tax Accounting I 3
ACC 231 Intermediate Accounting I 3
ECO 122 Microeconomics 3
MGT 212 Principles of Management 3
MKT 212 Principles of Marketing 3

Fourth Semester (spring)

Course Title Credits
ACC 232 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACC 221 Cost Accounting I 3
BUS 203 Business Law 3
MIS 220 Management Information Systems 3
BUS 275 Portfolio/Experiental Learning (Advisor Approval Required) 3

Business Administration (Bachelor's Degree - Goldey-Beacom College)

Fifth Semester (fall)

Course Title Credits
MAT 111 College Algebra 3
PSY 160 Introduction to Psychology 3
FIN 333 Financial Management 3
XXX XXX General Elective 300-400 3
MGT 428 Human Resource Management 3

Sixth Semester (spring)

Course Title Credits
HUM 104 Humanities II 3
SOC 161 Introduction to Sociology 3
MAT 136 Precalculus 3
XXX XXX Business Elective 300-400 3
MGT 310 International Business Management 3

Seventh Semester (fall)

Course Title Credits
ENG 485 Presentation & Debate I 3
ENG 465 Research Writing I 3
COM 341 Group Dynamics 3
XXX XXX Business Elective 300-400 3
XXX XXX General Elective 300-400 3

Eighth Semester (spring)

Course Title Credits
ENG 486 Presentation and Debate II 3
ENG 466 Research Writing II 3
MGT 492 Business Policy & Strategy 3
LAW 432 Business Law II or 3
MGT 481 Operations Management 3
XXX XXX Business Elective 300-400 3

Major Electives - 3 Credits Each

The Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration requires a minimum of 120 credits. Course scheduling may vary by semester. See your advisor.

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Tech
Dover: (302) 857-1710
Georgetown: (302) 259-6665
Wilmington: (302) 573-5428

Goldey-Beacom College
Jessica Fehnel,; (302) 225-6270
Admissions (302) 225-6248

This articulation agreement is subject to change based on Delaware Tech and senior institution curriculum changes. 02/2015