Chemistry: Math Concentration to Chemistry (B.S.)

An opportunity to gain an associate degree from Delaware Tech and a bachelor's degree from Rowan University.

Your Path to a Bachelor's Degree

Delaware Tech has established agreements with four-year colleges and universities that connect Delaware Tech associate degree programs with bachelor's degree programs to create smooth transfer opportunities for you. These Connected Degree programs enable you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior.

The Connected Degree 2+2 Curriculum

Delaware Tech's associate degree program in Chemistry: Math Concentration teaches students the processes and procedures of laboratory work, modern instrumentation and chemical principles in preparation for employment in research and in a laboratory setting. This option also prepares students for further study in Chemistry at the baccalaureate level. Rowan University's Bachelor of Science degree program in Chemistry includes biochemistry, organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and advanced electives in chemistry. The degree features a required research project, an experience designed to prepare students for deeper research in graduate school and throughout their career. Rowan chemistry majors use sophisticated instruments not commonly found in undergraduate labs including a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, HPLC, and NMR. At some universities, such equipment is often reserved for faculty and graduate research but Rowan chemistry majors begin using these as early as freshmen year. This degree prepares students for careers in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries as well as for graduate school at the MS or PhD levels. The BS in Chemistry program is accredited by the American Chemical Society (ACS).

Value For You

By completing your associate degree at Delaware Tech, you'll receive excellent instruction in small classes at a campus close to home. Delaware Tech's affordable tuition can reduce the overall cost of your college education, making the completion of your bachelor's degree more manageable.

Making The Connection

Refer to the Connected Degree curriculum for the sequence of courses needed to complete this program. Call Delaware Tech and let us help you follow the path to your bachelor's degree.

Connected Degree Curriculum - Suggested Course Sequence

Chemistry: Math Concentration (Associate Degree - Delaware Technical Community College)

Semester 1 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
BIO 150 Biology I 4
CHM 150 Chemical Principles I 5
CIS 107 Intro to Computer Applications 3
MAT 281 Calculus I 4
ENG 101 Composition I 3
SSC 100 First Year Seminar 1

Semester 2 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
CHM 151 Chemical Principles II 5
ENG 102 Composition II 3
SCI 130 Introduction to Research 2
PSY 121 General Psychology 3
MAT 282 Calculus II or 4
ECO 111 Macroeconomics or 3
ECO 122 Microeconomics 3

Semester 3 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
CHM 240 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHM 250 Analytical Chemistry I 5
PHY 281 Physics I with Calculus or 4
PHY 205 General Physics I 4
SOC 111 Sociology 3

Semester 4 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
CHM 241 Organic Chemistry II 4
CHM 251 Analytical Chemistry II 4
PHY 282 Physics II with Calculus or 4
PHY 206 General Physics II 4
ENG 122 Tech Writing & Comm. 3


Course Title Credits
MAT 283 Calculus III 4

Chemistry (B.S.) (Bachelor's Degree - Rowan University)

Semester 5 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
CMS 04205 Public Speaking 3
CHEM 08400 Physical Chem I 3
CHEM 08402 Phisical Chem Lab I 2
CHEM 06301 Inorganic Chemistry 3
CS 01104 Intro to Scientific Prog 3

Semester 6 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
CHEM 08401 Physical Chemistry II 3
CHEM 08403 Physical Chem Lab II 2
CHEM 06400 Adv. Inorganic Lecture 3
CHEM 06401 Adv. Inorganic Lab 2
XXXX XXXX Restricted Elective or Free Elective 3/4

Semester 7 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
CHEM 05450 Seminar I 1
CHEM 05440 Research I 3
CHEM 07348 Biochemistry 4
XXXX XXXX Restricted Elective or Free Elective 3
PHIL 09369 Philosophy of Science-WI 3

Semester 8 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
XXXX XXXX Restricted Elective or Free Elective 3/4
XXXX XXXX General Ed./Free Elective 3
CHEM 07348 Biochemistry 3
CHEM 09410 Instrumental Methods 4
XXXX XXXX Restricted Elective or Free Elective 3

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Chemistry requires a minimum of 120 credits. Course sequencing may vary by semester. See your advisor.

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Tech
Newark: (302) 453-3791

Rowan University
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry: (856) 256-4505
Office of Undergraduate Admissions: (877) 787-6926 |

The articulation agreement is subject to change based on Delaware Tech and senior institution curriculum. 01/2016 - 01/2021